June 9th Review
10:10 PM Posted by MH
Positions traded for a lose : none
Holding positions : MPG / VG / NWD / ACLS / FTK / ANDS / GNVC / AFT / DAN

Another sideways for the stock market today, low volume. I can say that last three days of market was weird. Big and important news were out every day but we just haven't moved anywhere. I really can't figure out the market these days, doesn't mean that I can't pick a BOOM stock like GNVC anymore. Don't worry! :)
My stock of the day SHZ
I picked up SHZ at .69 and you know what happens right? booming to $2.43(hod) in 30mins. Made quick $10K.
and I bought some DAN @1.37 on LEA momo. Broken 1.40 support level, closed at $1.52.
Nice chart break out, will be another winner tomorrow.
GNVC - closed real strong, end of day squeeze, up 17%, don't chase this at $2.00, continued run in AH, gapper tomorrow, more shorts than SQNM, will squeeze harder.
SQNM - I'm not holding this anymore but another example of patience WINNER.
Congrats all winners today! Good Night!
-Market Hunter-
June 9, 2009 at 11:24 PM
record 기록을 또하나 깨셨군요..
SHZ for $10,838 축하드립니다.!
June 10, 2009 at 1:54 AM
Shz 축하드립니다 ^^ 역시 대박은 헌터님손에서 이루어 지는군요. 부럽습니다. 내일 뵐께요.
June 10, 2009 at 7:47 AM
감사합니다. 오샘님, 고스트님.ㅎㅎ
오늘도 화이팅!