June 8th Review
8:55 PM Posted by MH
Sold GFG for 10.71% $1200 gain / sold half GNVC for 45.33% $2550
Positions traded for a lose : sold ANX for 18.75% $1800 loss
Holding positions : MPG / VG / NWD / ACLS / FTK / ANDS / GNVC / AFT

Stocks reversed steep losses in the final hour of trading Monday to end little changed. The Dow Jones Industrial average recovered from a 130-point slide to end up a little more than a point. Wow Did you guys see that last hour running?
Another sideways for the market with low volumes. Oil and commodities fell as the dollar strengthened.
I sold GFG this morning with slight gains,sold too early at .31, hit .40 today high.
Also bought some ANX this morning and ouch, bad news out right after I got in. sold for $1800 loss.
Ok, here is my two main trade today.
AFT - got in at .30 this morning and bOOmed closed at .40 high of day, I was watching this for few weeks already, on my radar on last Friday with unusual volume and again this morning. Today was largest volume in history for this stock, will be a gapper tomorrow for sure.
GNVC - sold half of my shares at 1.09 with $2550 gain and got back in at .87 end of the day. Another massive volume today, news will be out soon, hopefully :)
-Market Hunter-
June 8, 2009 at 9:57 PM
GNVC, 저도 끝장에 .88에 들어갔습니다, 남부럽지 않게.
벌써 치고 빠지셧 더군요 ㅎㅎ
June 8, 2009 at 10:16 PM
네 빠치고 다시 들어 갔습니다 ㅎㅎ
좋아야 할텐데요 ^^
good luck
June 9, 2009 at 12:54 AM
헌터님 폴폴리오 보니 지난달에 SQNM 세번 들락날락하셨네요. 바쁘셨넹, 토탈 게인 21%.
SQNM 한달 performance 0.3% 입니다.
여기서 한 수 배웠습니다. 감사.
June 9, 2009 at 2:53 AM
리뷰 잘 보았습니다.
오늘은 정신없이 지나가버린 하루였네요. ㅡ.ㅡ 몸도 안좋고 할 일은 산더미같고..
acls, gnvc, aft. 헌터님한테 받은 종합선물세트(?) 다 쭉쭉 올랐으면 좋겠네요 :)
날씨가 더워서인지 의욕도 자꾸 떨어지는데 화이팅 하시고 돈 많이 버는 한 주 되세요! 내일 뵐께요.
June 9, 2009 at 7:59 AM
헌터님, 리뷰 매일 해주시니까 도움이 많이 되네요.
제 포폴에는 AFT, FTK 딱 두개 밖에 없어요.
헌터님 블러그 알기 전엔 조금만 떨어지면 stop-loss하는라고 이익 보는 것도 없이 매일 스트레스만 받았거든요. ㅎㅎ 요즘 많이 배우고 있습니다. ^^