June 2nd Review
8:04 PM Posted by MH
Positions traded for a lose : none
Holding positions : MPG / VG / NWD / ACLS / BEE / BQI / MXC / DPTR / FTK
Today was a just consolidation day from yesterday's big rally. Most of indices broken previous resistance but not really much. We shall see what happens tomorrow with this move, possibly back to 8600 mark again or go up higher, never know. Either way, we going to see more uptrend for next few months. I think we can see 9,000-10,000 mark sooner than I thought. Oil settles above $68,which is good for my oil plays^^, and dollar continues dropped.
I sold SMCG today, not greedy, gained 26% from my first entry :)
and picked up some FTK with this money.
FTK - another oil related stock, Oil driller. With current oil price, this thing is dirt cheap here, back in Jan 2009 when oil was at low 50s, it was trading around $4.50, and now $2.50???? Can you believe this? I think it is lagging big time here and will noticed soon with oil momo.
어제의 빅 랠리에도 불구하고 오늘 장은 제 눈에는 굉장이 좋아 보였습니다.
물론, 4일간의 연속 랠리와, 지난 몇달간의 상승이 조금 부담스럽긴 하지만 중장기적으로는
상승세를 예상해 봅니다. Don't chase any stocks, they will pull back 이란 말을 해주고 싶군요. 몇달간의 상승이 있었으니까 어느정도의 풀벡을 예상하셔서 신중하게 플레이하시기 바랍니다.
-Market Hunter-
June 2, 2009 at 9:50 PM
리뷰를 보며 많이 배우고 있습니다.
항상 많은 도움 주셔서 감사합니다.
헌터님 말씀데로 앞으로 업트렌드를 이어갈수 있길 바래봅니다^^
June 2, 2009 at 9:55 PM
저도 정말 감사합니다. 매일매일 어디다 어찌 투자해야할지 몰랐는데 길을 잡아주시네요 ^^
June 2, 2009 at 11:50 PM
헌터님 감사 합니다^^
June 3, 2009 at 1:48 AM
이번주 jobless claim 결과에 따라 S&P가 1000 가까이도 가능할것 같읍니다. 문제는 한번 빅 풀백이 분명히 있을것 갔은데 작은 풀백후 한번더 밀어 부칠것인지 아니면 곶 시작할 것인지 아직 감이 안오네요. ...
June 3, 2009 at 7:41 AM
헌터님 힘내세요!! ..........