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June 11th Review

9:08 PM Posted by MH

Positions traded for a gain : sold AFT for 20% $1800 gain / PINN for 17.02% $1780 gain
Positions traded for a lose : none

Holding positions : MPG / VG / NWD / ACLS / FTK / ANDS / GNVC / DDSS / KFN / MGM

The fifth straight day of almost no move in the major indices with low volume. Tomorrow will be a intereting day, preparing for big move in either directions. I believe it will happen soon, sometime next week. Watch out both longs and shorts, do swing trade as much as possible in this stock market. We don't know which way to go.

MY two new picks for today.

KFN - Financial momo and technical play as well. This was at $2s two weeks ago, a basing pattern has formed last few days. TARGET = $2

MGM - Another beaten down stock, looks like bottom was in today, looking for $10
target with Onepiece! Choo Choo!

Please, email me at if you have problems with Chat Room!

-Market Hunter-


  1. Ash said...

    신의 경지...
    보고 있으면서도 못 따라가네요.
    잘 보고 있습니다.
    째리다 보면 많이 배우겠지 하고 옵니다.

  2. etf said...

    MGM, KFN에서도 좋은 성과가 있으시길...
    이러다가 조만간 밀리언네어가 되기겠네요.

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