Stress! Citigroup Needs $10 Billion
1:40 AM Posted by MH
Stress test failure Citigroup (C) needs $10 billion more in capital say regulators, according to WSJ.
Under the best case scenario, the megabank has a razor thin $500 million capital cushion. That tells you something right there. And of course, the company is already a double recipient of TARP capital.
Meanwhile, the bank continues to appeal and dispute the findings, arguing, among other things, that the government’s pessimistic outlook of credit card defaults is out of line.
Oh, and for some perspective: Citigroup’s market cap is only $16 billion these days, so a $10 billion raise is a huge amount that would be both difficult to come by and dilutive to shareholders. Business Insider
Under the best case scenario, the megabank has a razor thin $500 million capital cushion. That tells you something right there. And of course, the company is already a double recipient of TARP capital.
Meanwhile, the bank continues to appeal and dispute the findings, arguing, among other things, that the government’s pessimistic outlook of credit card defaults is out of line.
Oh, and for some perspective: Citigroup’s market cap is only $16 billion these days, so a $10 billion raise is a huge amount that would be both difficult to come by and dilutive to shareholders. Business Insider
May 2, 2009 at 2:26 AM
아(글창이) 여기 있었군요. 저는 게시판만 찾았습니다. 처음 오는 사람은 어떻게 코무니케이션 하는건지 어리둥절 하네요. 다들 흩어져서 숨어 계신 느낌이랄까. ㅎ
우선 님의 정보 공유에 감사드립니다. 앞으로 많은 부탁 드립니다.
와서보니 벌써 많은 분들이 방문을 하셨는데 어디서 오셨는지 궁금합니다. 저는 몇일전 통해서 알게 됬습니다. 여러분들은요?
May 2, 2009 at 2:33 AM
오월 포트 폴리오에 현재 가지고 계신것만 6 종목인데 다 어제 05-01-2009 사신겁니까?
보통 얼마나 자주 매매를 하십니까?
평균 얼마나 오래 가지고 계십니까?
May 2, 2009 at 2:40 AM
4월달에서부터 온거몇개랑 엊그제 산거랑 어제 산것 입니다. 4월꺼는 거의 마지막 주꺼라. 다 지워져서 귀찮아서 못 올렸습니다. 때때로 틀리고요 상황 봐서 들어갑니다. 하루에 돈 올인 날때도 있고 안들어 갈때도 있고요